
{this is our Grandfather}

{our amazing Mum}

     This is what we wore to the Graduation Lunch (if we may call it so).It's a tradition to gather up the family after the big ceremony and have lunch just before Prom.Well it sounds really complicated, and believe me that day was so overwhelming, a lot of things happened and too many events gathered on one day.
     Both of our dresses are from Orsay, we are in love with this brand, firstly because you can find it in out town but also because it has so feminine clothes and compared to other brands, reasonable price as well!Our closet is full of it, and we cannot wait to go shopping there again. Oh and we just recently bought two amazing yellow dresses, we cannot wait to show them to you.Well you might have to wait for that a little longer, my exams finish at the end of July, but  promise it is going to be worth waiting for!

Have an amazing weekend!
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Reviewed by pada mama
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Rating : 4.5